About us

Carla Tomasi S.r.l. has been working for almost forty years in the specialist field of restoration and recovery of Cultural Heritage, gaining significant experience and becoming protagonist of some of the most important restorations that have involved Italian Historical Artistic Heritage and sites recognized as being part of UNESCO’s World Heritage such as the restauration of the Palatine Chapel in Palermo, of the Arena of Verona, Shroud Chapel in Torino, Sacri Monti di Orta e Varallo.
The company participates in tenders called at national and international level by public and private entities and the consequent assignment of works has as its specific object in the restoration of stone material, architectural decorated surfaces, wall paintings (frescoes, tempera on the wall, oil on the wall), stuccoes and golden surfaces, mosaics, archaeological sites, paintings on canvas and on wood, wooden artefacts.
It also makes use of a large network of commissioners thanks to the past working partnership..

Work team is made up of specialized and qualified personnel led by Dr. Carla Tomasi, Techical Director, Restorer of Cultural Heritage.
Over several decades of experience, more than 180 contracts have been executed and completed, the company has a huge resource of high-level technical, scientific and cultural skills.
A continuous improvement of organizational processes, the synergy of skills in the field of design and processing of technical offers in the context of tenders with the most economically advantageous offer, research carried out in a multidisciplinary way, the researches carried out in a multidisciplinary way, have allowed the formulation of specific applications for the restoration of different and innovative materials and new operating methods, which have demonstrated the advantages over conventional techniques.

Carla Tomasi


The Technical Director of Carla Tomasi S.r.l. is a Restorer of Cultural Heritage, with a diploma (1981) and specialization in stone materials (1982) achieved at the Central Institute for Restoration of Rome equated to a Single Cycle Master’s Degree (LMR02) in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage in the areas of competence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
She is in charge of the management and coordination of projects, tender procedures and restoration and conservation sites, in close collaboration with other companies, freelancers, research institutes, public authorities, etc.

She is President of F.I.N.C.O. Federation of Industries Products Plants Services and Specialized Works for Construction, Vice-president of Confimi Edilizia and Vice-president of Restorers Without Borders


2020 – Riconoscimento Libro d’oro MAM (Maestro d’Arte e Mestiere)

Riconoscimento dedicato ai Maestri d’Arte e Mestiere Italiani eccellenti, attivi in diverse categorie dell’artigianato artistico che si sono distinti per particolari meriti professionali e per l’attività svolta in favore della trasmissione della loro eccellenza creativa e produttiva alle giovani generazioni, preservando il patrimonio d’arte, cultura e produttività.
Promosso dalla Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte. Per la categoria restauro e conservazione il premio è stato aggiudicato da una commissione di esperti dell’ISCR, OPD, La Venaria Reale, Musei civici di Brescia e Fondazione Villa Fabris.

Per maggiori informazioni: www.maestrodartemestiere.it/it/libro-d-oro/2020/carla-tomasi

2020 – Premio “100 italian architectural conservation stories”

Selezione tra le 100 realtà d’eccellenza del nostro paese in tema di ricerca nel campo del recupero e restauro architettonico del patrimonio storico: 100 storie di innovazione, sostenibilità e bellezza.
Presentazione del rapporto “100 italian architectural conservation stories” alla presenza del Ministro dei Beni Culturali Dario Franceschini. 
Promosso dalla Fondazione Symbola e Fassa Bortolo, in collaborazione con Assorestauro.

Per maggiori informazioni: www.symbola.net/ricerca/100-italian-architectural-conservation-stories/
Video: www.symbola.net/live/presentazione-100-italian-architectural-conservation-stories/

2019 – Premio Internazionale “European Heritage Award”

Riconoscimento European Heritage Award/Premio Europa Nostra 2019, ricevuto a Parigi il 29 ottobre 2019 per i lavori di recupero della Cappella di Guarino Guarini nella categoria Conservazione.
Carla Tomasi S.r.l. è felice di aver contribuito al prestigioso risultato nel merito del cantiere di Restauro, integrazione e finitura delle superfici della Cappella della Sacra Sindone.
Il premio è indetto dalla Commissione Europea e da Europa Nostra, importante rete per il patrimonio che ogni anno celebra e promuove le eccellenze culturali.

Per maggiori informazioni: www.museireali.beniculturali.it/events/14668/

Carla Tomasi srl

Via M. Mencatelli 24
00128, Roma

P.IVA: 03769271002

Tel: 06-5402795
Fax: 06-89681851

Mobile: 335 843 6118


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